June 7, 2024

How to use your corporate podcast as a marketing tool

The fact that audio and podcasts are on the fast track hasn't just been the case since yesterday. So why not use this boom as an advantage for your own company? This blog post will give you some tips why you should use your corporate podcast as a marketing tool and how to use your corporate podcast as a marketing tool for your company.

5 reasons why you should use your corporate podcast as a marketing tool

1. Podcasts are easily accessible and effective

Everyone knows about them and everyone knows where to find them. A podcast is no longer a novelty and is heavily featured on all the popular streaming services like Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast. Likewise, they are ubiquitous: almost every famous person is currently doing a podcast or has been a guest on one. There's a podcast for every topic and category. They are becoming more and more popular. You could say that podcast series are now as popular as television series. The advantage over a TV series is that podcasts can be listened to anywhere and on the side. Use exactly these advantages for your company.

2. Podcast are cheap and easy to create

You don't need expensive equipment to start your own podcast. These days, there are inexpensive USB microphones that you can plug into your phone (read our blog post on this topic). There is free recording software and much more. For very little money, you can already get started with a podcast. The only things you need are high-quality headphones and microphones, recording software, editing software, and an internet connection. Once you have all that, you're ready to start podcasting!

3. Podcasts can bring more visitors to your business and improves the visibility of your brand

Millions of people listen to podcasts. That's a lot of people. The more people who listen to a podcast, the more popular it becomes. As awareness of a podcast increases, you gain more reach. This allows you to increase brand awareness, familiarize listeners with your business, and attract potential customers to your business. Hosting your podcast on multiple hosting sites such as Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast and the like will give your business more visibility online. Also make the podcast available on your homepage or a landing page. Offer an audio player so listeners aren't redirected. Also use social media to draw attention to your podcast. Omnichannel is the magic word here. The more your podcast is on the web and on different channels, the larger your listenership will be.
Good content generates more subscribers. So you have regular listeners who can become potential new customers.

4. Podcasts help with customer loyalty

Listeners can build a familiar and personal relationship with the presenter because tone and voice create closeness. The spoken word is automatically more personal than the written word because emotions can be conveyed. This familiarity can be used to build customer loyalty and attract long-term listeners.

5. Podcasts are ideal for a company's content marketing strategy

You can develop and deliver engaging content that relates to your business over the long term, increasing awareness of your company. Podcast content also plays well in blog articles, video, newsletters, and social media channels. As a business, you should use every channel to get the best possible reach for your company. Content from your own podcast can serve as inspiration for videos, photos, copy, and commercials.

corporate podcast as a marketing strategy

How to use your corporate podcast as a marketing tool

Define your goals and offer added value

The goals of your corporate podcast should be based on the goals of your company. First ask yourself what your goals are for your company, and then ask yourself what you want to achieve with your corporate podcast. Once you have answered these questions for yourself, you can align your podcast accordingly. Always keep your target audience in mind as well. Don't just focus on promoting your company, but offer valuable and interesting content. Invite experts or celebrities that fit your brand. Offer valuable content that introduces your company and makes the audience want to listen.

Produce with the target audience in mind

Understanding your customers is just as important as the podcast. Be clear about the audience you want to reach and what you want to convey to them. Your target audience (podcast listeners) are the ones who will get the most value from your podcast. Once you're clear on who your target audience is, you can tailor the content to meet their needs and reactions. Analyze the target audience: if it's more likely to appeal to 50-80 year olds, don't talk about newfangled trends that these people are less likely to relate to. If all this is correct, you can be sure that your podcast and thus your company will resonate with listeners and that a connection will be made.

Start easy

Start slowly with your podcast and don't take on too much in the beginning. If you notice after a while that there is still room for improvement, you can increase the tempo. Start with a topic that you can expand on. You want your podcast series to run for a long period of time. If you find you're too busy to produce content, seek help. Don't neglect your podcast due to lack of time. Build a team to help you produce your podcast.

Pay attention to details and make the most if it

Capture audience data for analysis. This will help you know who is listening to your podcast, when and where. You can track if the podcast is drawing more visitors to your website or if your social media channels are being visited more often.

Likewise, Podcast Insights tells you if the listener stopped listening to the episode in between or listened to it in one piece. Based on this data, they can assess whether your episodes might be too long, or could be a bit longer.

If you want to hit the ground running with your corporate podcast, find the best support. Hire experts for interviews and exciting stories. Opt for good quality equipment to give listeners great sound.

Enable listeners to enjoy a podcast that engages them and makes them curious for more content.


Ask your listeners to subscribe, rate your podcast. If possible, they should follow your company on social media so they don't miss out on more content. Get your audience to interact with your company (subscribe to newsletters, visit social media channels). Always end your episode with a call-to-action so your listeners are encouraged to interact with you and your company.

If you’re thinking about starting a corporate podcast, check out our website. Here you can find all the info about Hypecast. Want to learn more about the corporate audio world? Subscribe to our newsletter or read our blog posts regularly!

Don't stop there! Keep Going.

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