June 7, 2024

2022 - It's A Wrap

As we are approaching the 2022 finish line, it is time to look back on the first full year of Hype1000. After focusing strongly on building our MVP for Hypecast and consulting companies on the Corporate Audio strategies in 2021, this year was dedicated to bringing Hypecast to the market. But let's have a look at what happend in 2022.

Q1 2022

One of the major achievements in Q1 was launching our technology partnership with Haiilo and co-creating the first audio plugin with two Haiilo clients. Additonally this first partnership was the starting point in our strategic approach to partnering with social intranet providers. We also welcomed two new team members, launched our remote recording software and intensified our business development activities. Together with Forward Momentum we developed the category of Corporate Audio and a clear messaging for our company and products.

In our personal lives: In February, we were excited to welcome a new member to the Hype1000 family with the birth of Simon's first son. And in March, Max took his parents (84 & 76) on a road trip from Germany to Tunisia. 5000km in 6 days!

Q2 2022

April to June was a wild ride that had a number of 'firsts' for us. We attended our first trade show and conferences. We were at the OMR festival in Hamburg as an exhibitor and spend the day in Bielefeld at Hinterland of Things. We closed our angel round and were excited to bring very smart and great people on board. Andreas Gebhard also became our Chief Operations Officer (COO) and is a great addition to the team. By winning Outfittery as a customer, we expanded our professional services portfolio to Corporate Audio advertising and created a specialized advertising strategy for Europe's largest personal shopping service.

In our personal lives: With the new Spotify feature 'Music + Talk' Max started a music podcast with Till Hoheneder.

Q3 2022

The second half of the year started with a big bang as Hype1000 signed a few exciting new clients such as e.on and Samsung. The team also started working on further integrations into other communication channels, such as Staffbase, Microsoft Teams or Slack. The team also took the strategic decision to start designing Hypecast Studio 2.0 including automated postproduction tools and text-based audio editing.

In our personal lives: Simon and his wife had a great wedding celebration in Spain. It was an unforgettable event with family and friends attending from around the world.

Q4 2022

The last stretch of the year we dedicated to building new partnerships and cooperations. As well as starting to explore opportunities outside Hype1000's core market Germany. With the support from a local team based in North Carolina and New York, Hype1000 went international. The team also started working on innovative technologies involving production automation and text-to-speech (TTS). Close to the finish line, the team signed new customers such as Lanserhof and PK Varel.

In our personal lives: We created our first ever NFT that we are gifting to customers, partners, family, and friends.

2022 in numbers

  • 3x revenue vs. 2021
  • +500% customers
  • 3 distribution parternships
  • 3 new team members

And finally, we want to say thank you to everyone who worked with us and supported us. From customers and partners to mentors and colleagues and our family and friends. 2022 has been an amazing year for Hype1000 and we are excited for 2023!

Happy holiday and all the best from the entire team of Hype1000!

The year in pictures

Don't stop there! Keep Going.

Ready to discover
the power of corporate audio?

Jump on a call with our team for a custom demo or get started with a free trial of the Hypecast platform.